John McCracken
Red, Black, Blue | Painting & Sculpture, 1966 - 1971

November 13—December 18, 2015

Franklin Parrasch Gallery is pleased to present John McCracken: Red, Black, Blue, an exhibition of six works dating from 1966-1971.

In the mid-1960s when McCracken first appeared, the art world encouraged us to “see” things in his work that obscured his true intentions in favor of defining the objectives that propelled an art movement of which he was a member. Today, we are not encumbered by those misdirections long since dropped. Today, we are left alone, our eye gathering data that allows us to understand what McCracken’s intentions were all along…. Perhaps [the greater lesson to be learned] is the primacy of the eye over our intellectual, critical machinery, concepts based on analytical perceptions. (1)

(1) Nicholas Wilder from McCracken: Heroic Stance, The Sculpture of John McCracken 1965-1986, PS1, New York, NY, 1987.